Snow Day!

Snow Day!

I’ve looked forward to today all week. I love snow! It’s beautiful. It makes for great skiing. The kids get to play in it (and so do I–sometimes). AND I have a good excuse to stay home. There’s nothing like a good snow day for snuggling with my kids, baking, and drinking some kind of hot beverage while watching the white stuff pile up outside.

Somehow, though, now that the snowstorm is actually here, I’m restless . . . I’m distracted. I can’t focus. My to-do list is way too long. I haven’t been outside yet. I’ve already eaten too much chocolate. And had two cups of coffee. The house is getting messier by the hour. And we still haven’t finished our Valentine’s Day projects.

Oh, did I mention a local newspaper published this article today? Super stoked about that! But also really distracted by it, posting links, checking for feedback, responding to feedback. I can’t think about anything else for more than ten minutes. It may be time to shut down the computer, put away the phone, and enjoy my snow day. You should do the same. But not until you read and share that article!

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