16 Sep Cool–a blog award!!!
I am thrilled to accept this award given to me by my wonderful writer-and-now-blogger friend Demery. She blogs every day, so if you go to her blog, you won’t find her post about this award unless you go back aways. I’ll make it easy for you and give you a direct link here. But do check out her more recent posts, too. It’s a great place for writing inspiration and a good read!
Now, about this award–
Rules of The Versatile Blogger award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass on the award to fifteen deserving bloggers.
4. Contact the bloggers you chose for the award.
Seven things you might not know about me:
1. I love good-quality, freshly-roasted, freshly-ground, freshly-brewed coffee.
2. I’m not easily pigeon-holed in any facet of my life. (e.g. I’m too liberal to be a conservative and too conservative to be a liberal.)
3. My favorite place in the world is Scansano, Italy–although I really love the Upper West Side of Manhattan, too.
4. For a full fourteen years, I shunned the sun and wore sunblock because I thought it would age my skin. This year, I realized that my skin has aged anyway and I learned that the chemicals in sunblock may do more damage than the sun’s rays AND I realized the importance of Vitamin D. Now I am burnt to a crisp and loving the sun!
5. I have always liked winter and snow–and it really doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the fact that I love to ski. I would like it anyway.
6. I am learning to appreciate summer much more than I used to and I’m very sad that this one is ending, well . . . over, I guess.
7. I make a mean cheesecake.
And now, for the new recipients of the award! (I know they’ve been holding their breath!)
1. Sarah @ Adventures in Sarahland
2. Amanda @ Mmmm Mama
3. Hillary @ Quivering Daughters
4. Peg @ The Farwig Family
5. Cindy @ Writer Imaginings
6. Lena @ Lena’s Lit Life
7. Paige @ Josi D
8. Dolly @ Traveling with Baby
9. Kristina @ Graves Family
Okay, so perhaps my blog reading is a little limited. I can only think of ten blogs worthy of the Versatile Blogger Award! These are lovely blogs. I hope you’ll visit them!
demery bader-saye
Posted at 15:25h, 17 Septembercongratulations Alison
i love to read your blog, and i love you, my friend!
Léna Roy
Posted at 06:48h, 20 SeptemberCongrats and I am so honored that you thought of me! Thank you! I just moved from the Upper West Side of NYC to Katonah – an hour away. (Is that what you meant by the Upper West Side?) I will try to pass this on, but will be slow on the uptake = swimming in revisions! xo Léna
Posted at 06:56h, 20 SeptemberYes, Lena, your grandmother's stomping ground is exactly the part of Manhattan I love–and mostly b/c of her books, the Cathedral, and meeting her there. Thanks so much for trying to pass this on–it took me a while also. I'm swimming in revisions as well. Happy writing!
Posted at 17:37h, 24 SeptemberI am so honored, Alison. Thank you. <3