25 Apr I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end . . .
We’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather these past few weeks. I know it can’t last. The sweet old neighbor lady said to me the other day that she doesn’t like it when everything blooms so early, because we might have a frost that kills the blooms. Hopefully, we’ll avoid that. But we are definitely due for some rain! Our road is so dusty, when I walk with Camilla I find myself grateful for the kindness of drivers who slow way down as they drive past us. Camilla is especially enjoying the sunny weather. She loves to play outside. Here she is riding on the tractor with Daddy!
And swinging in the hammock.
When we first started playing outside this spring, Camilla was very tentative–often wanting to be carried over the rough terrain of the back yard. But with our loving encouragement, she’s quickly overcome that. Now I have to figure out how to teach her the boundaries of our yard, so she doesn’t venture up into the woods completely on her own. I tried to post a video demonstrating her bravery, but my first attempt at uploading video failed. I’ll try again later. Maybe there’s some problem with Blogger. Until then, enjoy the pictures!
Posted at 14:38h, 03 MayAlison,
Your such a glowing,happy mommy.That pic of you and Camilla is so sweet.
The one of her on the hamock is adorable,what a smile.
Luv ya,
Alison Roskos Treat
Posted at 14:46h, 03 MayAwww . . . thanks!
Love you, too!
Posted at 21:11h, 03 MayHAMMOCK.Sorry